[00:00:00.120] - Kimberly Robinson OK, so thank you all for joining today. This is going to be I'm not sure this is like our fifth count our committee meeting. I'm not sure which it is. Is it the fifth for Public Awareness Committee? So we'll go ahead and get started. Ricky, if you want, I'll do a roll call since Caitlin's not here. [00:00:27.140] - Ricky Zeidman OK [00:00:28.340] - Kimberly Robinson So let me just pull up my cheat sheet. Where did it go? All right, so Natalie Alden. Kevin Mullen. Dr. Ross. Daniel Nicholson. Jeffrey Secure. Richard Zeidman, [00:01:00.780] - Ricky Zeidman Present [00:01:03.440] - Michael Fada Michael Fada, [00:01:05.840] - Michael Fada Yeah, I'm here. [00:01:08.880] Joanne Hoertz. Patricia Do.. Dorell, I'm sorry. Suzanne Doswell. Marsha Martino, [00:01:24.480] - Marsha Martino I'm here. [00:01:25.710] - Kimberly Robinson OK. OK. And that's it. So we have three. Council members Johnny Nash is joining us today, who I can introduce. He is our new Ed. He started July 2nd, I believe. No, I'm sorry, he started a week before Ed left, so I think it was June twenty eighth. And so he is our new project manager for BSCIP and the RIMS Team, which is our database. And I don't know who else is on the call, so if you want to identify yourself, I can track you down as a guest. All right, I guess we don't have any guests. OK. All right, so I'll turn it over to you then, Ricky. [00:02:21.910] - Ricky Zeidman OK. We'd like to get a call for the approval of the minutes of the May 20th meeting to, I hear, a motion to approve the minutes please. [00:02:33.300] - Marsha Martino I'll make a motion as Marsha [00:02:36.950] - Ricky Zeidman And I'll second that all in favor. I. [00:02:42.230] - Audience I [00:02:42.230] - Ricky Zeidman Minutes are approved. OK. (inaudible). The first topic of discussion today was the public service announcements to highlight the Brain and spinal cord injury program Resource Center website. As I was telling Kevin Mullen before we started the meeting, the BSCIP Resource Center is going to be an incredible, incredible boon to the entire state for people looking for information and help and the pieces. But we're going to try to do is direct people to that Resource Center website where they will have the option of just pulling them gazillions amounts of information. We just got approval actually last night from the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey for letting allowing us to use without any fees or anything, all their resources. One of the premier brain injury programs in the country. And I think that there was very pleased to get that from them. We need to also find somebody and have a contact at FSU, I believe, who is familiar with a public service announcement. But we need to see if anybody has a link to a PSA expert. Also, I wanted to ask if we if the Florida Department of Health can produce our own PSA. I think there was some discussion of that previously. And I think the answer was yes. But and I'd like to clarify at the bottom that we have somebody that can do that. [00:04:32.350] - Kimberly Robinson I would have to check with communications to make sure that they would allow us to do that and then what their requirements are. [00:04:39.090] - Ricky Zeidman OK, because I think that would be pretty important at least to start if we have not produced a public service announcement yet. We had originally targeted some sports teams around the state that's on hold right now because, again, we have to target a new target is the resource center. We're going to direct everything toward that resource center where people can get the information on brain and spinal cord injury and all the resources that we have available and listed on that. That's where we are right now. I don't really have any other information to discuss about that, because it's like I say, we're at the beginning. It would be wonderful if we had, as I said at the last meeting, more participation from our advisory council members because just one or two or two or three people showing up really well. It's wonderful to have it. It's not enough. We need more. And I think that'll be a big topic of discussion at our face to face meeting in September. So. [00:05:49.500] - Kimberly Robinson I agree [00:05:52.680] - Ricky Zeidman Yeah. OK, so. [00:06:00.760] - Kimberly Robinson I'm taking a minute here to bear with me, Ricky, I'm trying to catch up, I can't write as fast as you talk, but you're doing good. So what if I may interject on your agenda here? What our resource center really needs help with from the council, which you've been doing a really great job, and some other members as well, is finding resources for brain injury. We have lots and lots of resources for our spinal cord because that's primarily what the resource center was. But now that we're rebranding that and we're bringing in all of the brain injury information to our own resource page, Justin is always looking for help and information to add information to the page articles, support groups. Anything on on brain injury, any information on brain injury that we can add to our resources to make it bigger and better, so if the council has information on that, you can pass that right along to me and I can provide that to Justin. And Beau is the unit administrator that is over Justin. And so I always send it to both of them. So they both have it and we don't lose it anywhere. So I, I can't emphasize that enough. We're always looking for additional we've gotten some resources out there. You know, Ricky just gave us the one or two jersey. We we've looked at what BIAF had in the past and I think we've utilized some of the resources that they may have had without infringing on their rights. But anything that the council can add, anything, anything you find, any articles, so like I'm a hiker. OK, so. I found an article on a particular gentleman who is out there actually hiking the Appalachian Trail in his wheelchair and his dog, and he has sports, of course, that help him get along because some of those trails, he can't get up. But it was an absolutely fascinating article to read about and links to this gentleman and so I sent that along to and I know that spinal cord, but I sent that along to Justin to see if he could reach out to this gentleman to see if he would let us use his information on our resource page. As you know, not an event, but experience encouragement, because it doesn't necessarily have to be resources. We can have stories out there that we want to encourage people that are having brain and spinal cord injuries, because sometimes those are the best resources to that can tie right back into our peer mentoring that we want to expound on, which we're getting there. So it's really our resource pages. I'm opening it up to anything that we can actually put out there to support our clients and anybody else in the community that is having similar problems, maybe not specific as our program is, but I'm sure there's resources for other types of injuries and so forth that we have that can be useful to others as well. So I'm just opening that up to the council. I want to be able to put Schuyler's testimony out there. Testimonies is what I want to put out there. I want to be able to put out on the smart homes that we're doing. I'm hoping to maybe get a testimony on the smart homes because that is going over really well. And that's not just brain or spinal. That can be either either type of injury that we can put the smart home systems in. And we're getting some really good feedback on that. I think we have eight of them in right now that we've done. And a cornerstone is going to be giving ship staff and in-service, I believe it's August 5th is when we're going to be presented with an in-service on that, because they used to be just for the Hillsboro area, Tampa area, and they're expanding that service statewide now. So we want to provide staff statewide and in-service on smartphones specifically because that's a game changer for families and the clients. So anybody have anything they want to add to? [00:10:38.720] - Ricky Zeidman And we had already gotten approval from the United States Brain Injury Alliance to use their sources, and I have a contact at the Brain Injury Association of America who I will be asking, can we use theirs to get these links? I also get my background is in traumatic brain injury. I also get pretty much a daily listing of things. And I'm glad you said what you did, Kimberly, because the I guess things about stories about post-traumatic stress disorder, veterans and things like that that people are going through. It's just like a plethora of information. I will be glad to forward that to you because we can include it. But it's I mean, very valuable articles, very specific, targeting specific areas where people can get information that might not have been available to them otherwise. So that should not be a problem from where I'm sitting. Again, it would be great. Like you're asking everybody else to contribute also. [00:11:45.580] - Kimberly Robinson Absolutely. We could really make that resource page something. It can it can blow up to be something phenomenal. And that's what I envisioned for Bishop, is for this to be a phenomenal resource page. Johnny is working with Justin and Beau right now to where we can get to the next phase of this resource page, and it's coming along really well. So the name is going to be changed, I believe, pretty soon. You can correct me if I'm wrong, Johnny, but I believe we're actually going to be able to rebrand it here shortly as the BSCIP resource page. And excuse me if people go to FSCIRC, it'll it'll push them right back over, but they're going to see brain and spinal. It's going to come up BSCIP. [00:12:37.190] - Ricky Zeidman This will be so valuable again, I cannot under estimate the importance when my wife and I first got thrown into the brain injury community back in nineteen eighty seven, there was nowhere to go. You found out information piecemeal by hook or by crook. If you are lucky today, here we are 30 something years later, it's still very difficult to get information. The Internet has certainly expanded thousand fold. But having this resource center where people can go with a brain or or and spinal cord injury and have all this information right in front of them that they can click on is just invaluable, especially to newbies into coming into these communities. [00:13:23.720] - Kimberly Robinson You bet. I totally agree with that. Anybody have anything they want to add? Marcia, Michael, Julia, I see you're new, you joined us. Thank you for joining our committee meeting today. [00:13:40.370] - Marsha Martino I'll take a look. Marilyn Lasch, I don't know if she's still putting stuff out, but she used to have some really great family resources around behaviors that people had at home and how to deal with them. I mean, it's been many years since I since I ran a brain injury program. So but I remember she wrote really great down to earth stuff that was just hands on valuable for families around behaviors. So I can take a look and see what she has, if there's anything still there, because I think those, at least in my experience, those are the things that while it may not be easy to find resources for physical issues, it's more difficult to find resources around changes in behavior and problems that families may have at home with changes in behavior and where to go with that rather than a psychiatrist, which can be pretty useless. So I will see what I can find on that. [00:14:39.450] - Kimberly Robinson Oh, awesome. I appreciate that. [00:14:42.800] - Ricky Zeidman You're absolutely correct. Marilyn, live with one of the big resources way back when. I'm sure there's tons of information that you would have available and hopefully you would be kind enough to let us access that without any fees. [00:14:57.480] - Marsha Martino Yeah, she's older than me. I think so. I'm not sure even if she's still doing it. But she had great stuff. I loved her stuff. [00:15:07.020] - Kimberly Robinson So it's a start. It has to start somewhere. So this is a good beginning. It's an excellent start. I don't I don't have anything particular. For this committee, I'm sorry, I'm not better prepared, I've been pretty, pretty wild lately, BSCIP So it's all good stuff, though. Nothing bad. All good stuff. [00:15:32.590] - Ricky Zeidman Well, what we're looking for now is... next meeting that we have the face to face meeting in September that we want to wait till after that meeting to schedule our meeting because I don't anticipate any major coming up in between. If we get something, call a meeting. [00:15:55.090] - Kimberly Robinson Well, at that face to face, and that's going to be September. Twenty eight in Orlando, Kaitlynn or Kaylin will be sending out the details as soon as she has them all tied up in a nice pretty bow for us. And she'll be helping council with their travel and everything. She she's going to have that seamless for you guys. So it should go smoothly. But at that meeting, what I had planned was to have our committee meetings in the morning from I think nine to 11 or nine to 12. I think I put an hour for each one and then a break for lunch and then our face to face our our big meeting in the afternoon. So I do want to have committee meetings in the morning. That agenda will be going and all that information will be going out. That that's my plan. So to make it a full day for everybody. So I'm hoping that folks will come for the committee meeting because we're going to have our face to face in the afternoon. I'm also going to have teams available for those that can't travel or don't want to travel. They'll be able to join by teams as well. So I'm opening it up to have options. People can call in, they can join the video. Or they can be there in person if they choose. [00:17:15.150] - Ricky Zeidman So why don't why don't we just have the face to face meeting will determine a meeting date for us to this committee at that meeting, and then until then, we'll just wait for the Face-To-Face. [00:17:31.910] - Kimberly Robinson And hopefully during that time, I'll be able to check with communications to see if we can create our own PSAs. [00:17:39.240] - Ricky Zeidman And also, we hopefully will get some more volunteers to fill the vacant positions between now and then. [00:17:47.260] - Kimberly Robinson Well, I'm hoping at the face to face when everybody's there and meet, because it's easier when you meet each other and see each other in person, that's always easier. Hopefully, we'll get some folks to sign up because it is in our charter that everybody needs to be part of a committee that was part of our charter. So I'll emphasize that again in September. Definitely. I know I've said it before. I probably sound like a broken record. Don't mean to be just it's important. [00:18:20.020] - Marsha Martino I noticed on the website that there are a lot of open board positions, other people who are interested in that. [00:18:26.380] - Kimberly Robinson Yes, Caitlin and I are working on for applications now three I think it's three applications right now. I think the fourth one I got was incomplete and I had to send it back and there was another person who applied that didn't meet the requirements. [00:18:45.010] - Ricky Zeidman Then you've got Peter, who was a former member of Slip Through the Cracks and only served one term for him for being able to come back and said he would be coming in the application within the next few days. [00:18:56.480] - Kimberly Robinson OK, I'll be looking for that one. Larissa Swan has resigned because she's moved out of state. She she moved out of state. So she has officially resigned. So, yeah, it's hard to fill these spots sometimes. [00:19:15.390] - Ricky Zeidman Oh, you got it right. I put out the notes to all my contacts in Delray Beach, Delray Beach Medical Center that I deal with in the brain injury support group there. Haven't heard anything back. But again, you got it. You don't ask. You don't get anything anyway. So from that all being said, unless there's no new business, I'd like to have a motion to adjourn. [00:19:42.870] - Marsha Martino I'll make that motion, this is Marsha [00:19:45.180] - Ricky Zeidman And I'll second it and all in favor. The meeting is adjourned. See you all in September in Orlando. Really looking forward to it, [00:19:56.420] - Kimberly Robinson Thank you Ricky. Thank you. All right. Have a good day.