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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Tick-Borne Diseases
Florida Health
Disease Control-
- 850-245-4444
Florida Health
4052 Bald Cypress Way
Tallahassee, FL 32399

Ticks are a source of disease within the United States. The most common diseases that come from ticks in Florida are ehrlichiosis, lyme disease, rocky mountain spotted fever, and other spotted fever illnesses.
Ticks feed on the blood of animals and can spread diseases through their bites, although not all tick bites result in illness.
- Ticks in the early stages of life (larva stage) usually feed on small animals like mice and birds.
- Older stages of ticks (nymphs and adults) can feed on humans and larger animals.
Ticks are typically are found in wooded areas or areas with long grass. Spring and summer are the most common seasons for tickborne diseases to occur in northern states, but tickborne diseases can occur throughout the year in Florida.
Sympoms usually start within two weeks of being bitten. Although there are disease-specific symptoms, such the bull’s eye rash that can be seen in some cases of lyme disease, the most common symptoms for tick-borne disease are fever, headache, and muscle pain. These symptoms may also be seen with many other types of illnesses.
If you become ill after being in an area that is wooded or has long grass, seek guidance from your health care provider. Make sure that they are aware that you were potentially in tick habitat so that tick-borne diseases are considered.
These diseases can be treated with appropriate antibiotics.
- Use repellant that contains 20-30% DEET
- Apply permethrin to clothing and gear
- Walk-in the center of paths and trails
- Perform regular tick checks on yourself, family, and pets
- Shower soon after being in tick habitat
- Use veterinarian recommended products to keep ticks off pets
- Keep grass, shrubs, and trees close to your residence trimmed
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