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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Choose Safe Toys This Holiday

By Florida Department of Health, Office of Communications

December 17, 2013

December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month. Keep your family’s holiday safe and fun by giving your child age-appropriate toys. Toys should be selected based upon the age, interest and skill level of the child. When selecting gifts this holiday season, keep these toy safety tips in mind:

For Younger Children:

  • Confirm toy is labeled appropriate for age group (ex. 0–3,3–6, 6–8)
  • Read all safety labels and warnings
  • Select sturdy toys: not fragile or easily broken
  • Select toys that are self-contained and battery operated, to reduce risk of electrical shock
  • Select toys without small parts or strings to avoid choking or strangulation
    • Avoid items easily placed in mouth:
      • Marbles, balloons, mini building blocks, bouncy balls, or items including button batteries, buttons and easily detachable eye
      • Avoid items that include strings
      • Kites, yoyos, toy paratroopers, and dolls with pull string
      • Select toys that are stable: unable to easily fall on children
      • Select toys that are flame and mold resistant
      • Select toys without small holes or hinges that could trap or pinch little hands

For Older Children:

  • Confirm toy is labeled appropriate for age group (8–12, 12+)
  • Avoid hobby and sports equipment designed for adults; select version of item appropriate for child’s age and skill level
  • Read all safety labels and warnings
  • Beware of sharp objects, cords, strings and fragile items
  • Avoid items that produce excessive noise that may damage the ear, or items that produce excessive heat that may cause burns
  • When selecting equipment such as bicycles, skates and skateboards, please be sure to provide the child with properly fitted protective gear- a helmet, elbow and knee pads.

Be Safe: Practice Proper Use, Handling and Supervision

  • Provide proper supervision of child when using the toy to ensure proper handling/use
  • Discard all wrapping and packaging of the toy immediately after opening to avoid risk of choking or strangulation
  • Read all safety and warning labels, assemble toy according to manufacturer’s instructions, and place play equipment in a safe environment free from obstructions and other hazards
  • Check all toys periodically for breakage or wear
  • Store toys safely to prevent falls or items falling on child or parent
  • Keep older child’s toys away from younger children to avoid choking and other hazards
  • Ensure the child is wearing proper protective gear for their activity
    • Helmet, knee and elbow pads, safety glasses, gloves, etc.

The Federal Consumer Project Safety Commission (CPSC) regulates U.S. toy safety and provides recommendations for consumers regarding age-appropriate toys:

For updated information regarding recalls and hazards, or to report a toy safety violation to the CPSC, please visit:

Additional Links:

Additional Resources

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