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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Safety Net Program

CMS Safety Net

The Children’s Medical Services’ (CMS) Safety Net Program can help pay for some medically necessary health services and family needs. Safety Net serves children with chronic and serious health conditions who do not qualify for Florida Medicaid or KidCare or are unable to access services. 

Safety Net helps families on a first-come, first-served basis, until the funds have been allocated. There is a limit to what Safety Net can pay per child, each year. Families may also have to pay some of the cost for services, based on a sliding fee scale. The program covers services and care coordination for up to two qualifying health conditions.


For Families:

  • Eligibility Requirements
  • Covered Services
  • How to Apply
  • Contact Information
Children eligible for the Safety Net Program:
  • Must be a Florida resident;
  • Must meet Medicaid or KidCare financial requirements and sliding fee criteria;
  • Must be age 21 or younger; and
  • Must meet the Children's Medical Services clinical screening requirements or
  • A physician attest to the child's qualifying medical conditions.
  • Outpatient specialty physician services.
  • Diagnostic testing.
  • Prescription medications.
  • Dental services for cleft lip or palate diagnoses, and craniofacial anomalies.
  • Low protein modified foods for Phenylketonuria (PKU) and other inherited metabolic disorders.
  • Other services may, as approved.


To get started, call Children’s Medical Services (CMS) at 855-901-5390. You can also email to request an application. To apply, you must send CMS the following documents: 

  1. Completed and signed application.
  2. Copy of your household income.
  3. Proof of insurance or a denial from Medicaid or KidCare.
To learn more about the Safety Net Program, call 855-901-5390 or email


For Providers:

  • Provider Registration
  • Prior Authorization
  • Claims Information
  • Contact Information
Safety Net providers must:

All services require prior authorization, however that does not guarantee payment. All providers must submit a plan of care to request the authorization of services. Once authorized, CMS will issue the provider a Provider Letter of Agreement. Providers must complete, sign, and return the agreement.

To submit the plan of care and any supporting medical documentation, providers can: 

Via Fax:
Attn: Safety Net Registered Nurse

Via Email (Encrypted):
Attn: Safety Net Registered Nurse

Registered providers must submit all claims in a HIPAA compliant format. Registered providers must submit all claims in a HIPAA compliant format for authorized services that have been provided. Claims must be complete and accurate. Claims must be submitted by June 30 of the current state of Florida fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). Any submitted claims or invoices not meeting these requirements may not be paid.

Please submit all paper claims via mail or fax:

Via Mail
Children’s Medical Services
Attn: Safety Net Claims
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A06
Tallahassee, FL 32399

Via Fax
850-617-6467 or

For provider registration or service authorization questions, please contact CMS at 855-901-5390. Providers can also email questions to

For questions on claims, contact: