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Florida Cancer Innovation Fund
Funding Opportunity Announcement
Letter of Intent
Submission Window:
- Opens: October 4, 2023 at 2 p.m. Eastern Time
- Closes: October 11, 2023 at 5 p.m. Eastern Time
Application for Funding
Submission Window:
- Opens: October 13, 2023 at 10 a.m. Eastern Time
- Closes: October 25, 2023 at 5 p.m. Eastern Time
Application Process
- Register: Visit the Florida Cancer Innovation Fund Portal and complete all fields to register. You will receive an email with details about the next steps.
- Submit a Letter of Intent: Visit the Florida Cancer Innovation Fund Portal to complete a Letter of Intent form between October 4, 2023, at 2 p.m., and October 11, 2023, at 5 p.m. Eastern Time. Upon submission of the letter of intent form you will receive an email with further instructions.
- Submit an Application: Visit the Florida Cancer Innovation Fund Portal to submit an application and other required forms between October 13, 2023, at 10 a.m., and October 25, 2023, at 5 p.m. Eastern Time. Application submissions will be followed with an email indicating acceptance of the application and next steps, or denial of the same and reasons why. PDF versions of the online application and related required forms will be posted in the Florida Cancer Innovation Fund webpage, when available.
If you experience technical issues submitting your required documents, please call 850-245-4744, Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Eastern Time.
For any questions about the Florida Cancer Innovation Fund, please contact
Frequently Asked Questions - Applications
What types of projects are allowable for this grant?
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is focused on innovations in cancer care and treatment. Successful Florida Cancer Innovation Fund pilot projects will focus on cutting edge cancer research and patient care prioritized on the expeditious nature of the proposal.
Proposal topics need to be focused on innovative cancer research and adhere to the main goals of the FOA. These include:
- Data – Improve data timeliness and accessibility.
- Best Practices – Streamline, encourage, and incentivize the sharing of treatment best practices among public and private entities.
- Innovation – Advancements in cutting-edge technology and clinical treatments.
All applications submitted in response to this funding opportunity must be responsive to one of the most prevalent cancer diagnoses in Florida.
Who is eligible to apply for this funding opportunity?
Potential applicants may include but are not limited to:
- Researchers working on cutting edge cancer treatments.
- Post-doctoral/graduate student fellows.
- Non-profit organizations.
- Medical providers.
- Oncology practices.
- Florida Cancer Centers of Excellence.
Will proposals for innovations in cancer treatment that are not within the FOA focus area be considered?
No, proposals should match one of the chosen focus areas.
What is the difference between a Pilot Grant and Post-Doctoral Fellowship Grant?
Pilot Grant: Exploratory, novel studies that break new ground or extend previous discoveries toward new directions or applications. No preliminary data are required but may be included if available.
Post-doctoral Fellowship Grant: This FOA aims to provide clinical, patient-oriented research fellowship training that stimulates novel insights, discovery, and validation of novel diagnostic strategies to symptomatology, and treatment. Organizations must have a certified fellowship-training program or an established training program for health professionals to be considered eligible.
Who is eligible to apply for Florida Cancer Innovation Funding?
Applications for Florida Cancer Innovation Fund funding may be submitted from any Florida-based entity, facility, medical professional, university or established cancer institute serving Floridians.
Do project teams have to be Florida-based?
Eligible projects should be primarily Florida based, however, collaborators out of state will be permitted.
What is the project period for Florida Cancer Innovation Funding?
All four grant categories (consortium, standard, pilot, and post-doctoral fellowship) are expected to have a 12-month project and budget period.
Do applications have to be submitted in conjunction with an established cancer center?
No. Connection to an established cancer center is not required.
Can applicants submit a tentative project title and/or abstract to determine if the project complies with the grant’s project goals?
The Florida Department of Health does not provide feedback on research ideas. Staff are administrative and do not have the background to provide input. Please submit a letter of intent.
Is an individual or organization able to submit more than one application?
Each application must be unique in the focus of the research.
Is this grant restricted to only faculty or can clinical fellows (trainees) apply as well?
Clinical fellows can apply.
When will the Florida Cancer Innovation Fund Portal be open to receive applications?
The application will be opened in the portal on October 13, 2023, and will provide grant structure, word count, and page limits.
Please do not use PeerNet, access the Florida Cancer Innovation Fund Portal directly.
Can the application period for the Florida Cancer Innovation Fund grants be extended?
The grant application process is abbreviated due to the shorter time, currently a request for extension is not feasible.
Is preclinical study proposal eligible?
Proposal topics need to be focused on innovative cancer research and adhere to the main goals of the FOA.
These include:
- Data – Improve data timeliness and accessibility.
- Best Practices – Streamline, encourage, and incentivize the sharing of treatment best practices among public and private entities.
- Innovation – Advancements in cutting-edge technology and clinical treatments.
View the funding opportunity annoucement for more details.
Frequently Asked Questions - Grant Awards
How many grants will be funded by the Florida Cancer Innovation Fund?
This FOA expects to fund as many grants as possible that meet the eligibility and innovation criteria up to $20 million.
Is priority given to projects/proposals that include clinical trials?
Proposal topics need to be focused on innovative cancer research and adhere to the main goals of the FOA.
These include:
- Data – Improve data timeliness and accessibility.
- Best Practices – Streamline, encourage, and incentivize the sharing of treatment best practices among public and private entities.
- Innovation – Advancements in cutting-edge technology and clinical treatments.
View the funding opportunity annoucement for more details.
Frequently Asked Questions - Grant Expeditures
Does the grant provide for indirect costs?
If you need indirect costs, they must be included in your total budget that must not exceed $2 million. The department has capped indirect costs at 10% or 15% indirect costs, plus administrative costs.
Is there a salary cap for positions funded by the grant?
Currently there is no salary cap mechanism for this FOA.
Are equipment expenses allowable?
Equipment costs over $5,000 are subject to further review and approval by the Department. Please include pertinent details in your Letter of Intent.
Is funding for travel authorized?
Travel can only be within the U.S. and will be subject to further review and approval by the Department.
In the funding opportunity announcement, what is meant by technical support?
Technical support may include any IT requirements for a proposed project. Please adhere to the budget guidance provided in the application portal.
Frequently Asked Questions - Additional Information
Where can we learn more about the post-doctoral fellowship mechanism?
The funding opportunity announcement contains additional details.
Can a recently hired non-tenured junior faculty apply for a post-doctoral fellowship grant?
Consider applying for a pilot grant.
What if these FAQ does not answer my question?
Questions can be submitted by emailing
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