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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Chill Out Stay on Top of Hydration

August 17, 2018

Summertime is one of the most highly anticipated times of the year for residents and visitors, since it presents the perfect opportunity to relax, recharge and enjoy the best of what Florida has to offer. With the warmer weather, comes health and safety precautions that we should be aware of in order to make the most of your time.

One of the most important tips that can be recommended while enjoying the outdoor weather is to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hydration is especially important during the summer months when there is a need to increase water intake, to counter warmer temperatures. Water helps the body function properly by regulating internal temperature, flushing out waste and preventing fatigue.

The Institute of Medicine currently recommends that men should drink at least 104 ounces of water per day, which is 13 cups and women should drink at least 72 ounces, which is 9 cups. 

Girls and boys between ages 4 and 8 years should drink 40 ounces per day, or five cups. This amount increases to 56 to 64 ounces, or 7 to 8 cups, by ages 9 to 13 years. For ages 14 to 18, the recommended water intake is 64 to 88 ounces, or 8 to 11 cups.

Stay hydrated by drinking water with meals, carrying a refillable bottle and bringing extra water along if it will be unavailable for an extended period of time. If you need a little more flavor, add a wedge of lime or lemon to your water to improve the taste and help you drink more than you usually do. Try not to drink your daily allowance of water all at one time. Remember that the goal is to stay hydrated, gradually, throughout the day.

You may need to drink more water depending on how much you exercise or if you live in a hot climate. Also, if you have certain health considerations, such as pregnancy, thyroid disease, kidney, liver, heart problems, or if you're taking medications that can make you retain water, check with your health care provider to be sure you're getting the right amount.


About the Florida Department of Health

The department, nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, works to protect, promote and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county and community efforts.

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