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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Indoor Air Quality

The Florida Department of Health's Indoor Air Program began in the late 1980s, with the goal of improving the health of Floridians by reducing exposure to indoor air contaminants.

The primary function of the program is to provide expert guidance to Floridians with indoor air concerns in residences, schools, health care facilties, and other public facilities.

The program consists of a statewide indoor air coordinator in Tallahassee and environmental specialists working through county health departments. We do not offer inspection services.

County Contacts for Indoor Air Quality - Local listing of county health departments with environmental health and indoor air quality contacts.

State Contacts for Indoor Air Quality - State Health Office contacts for radon or indoor air quality.

Radon and Indoor Air - Measuring and mitigating radon in your home.

Carbon Monoxide Information - Information on the prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning and links to resources.

Imported Drywall Information - Premature corrosion and evaporator coil failure possibly sssociated with the presence of imported drywall.

Workplace Information - Indoor air quality in the workplace.

Complaints in Apartments and Hotels - Where to go when you have an indoor air quality issue in an apartment or hotel.

Indoor Mold and Health

Frequently asked questions about mold and additional resources. 

Guidance for Clinicians on the recognition and management of health effects related to mold exposure.

Federal Resources

Tools for Schools - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Indoor Air Quality school program.

Indoor airPLUS - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency information on mold, pests, gases, etc.