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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Contact the Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention

Council Appointments

The Diabetes Advisory Council is a legislatively mandated, multi-disciplinary group whose members are appointed by the Governor, pursuant to 385.203, F.S.

The Diabetes Advisory Council currently has openings for the following members: 

  • University of Miami Medical School
  • Nursing with diabetes educator certification
  • Ophthalamology or optometry 
  • Adult endocrinology
  • Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
  • Florida Academy of Family Physicians
  • Community health center 
  • Interested citizen, affected by diabetes 
  • Interested citizen

Applications for membership may be completed online.

All applications are kept on file for one year, during which time they are considered for any position for which they are qualified which become vacant. If you have any questions about the application pleasae contact Jennifer Wahby at


Diabetes Advisory Council members represent sectors of the health system and the general population who have expertise, experience, and involvement in diabetes prevention and control.  Members serve four-year terms or until their successors are appointed by the governor.

Five Interested citizens, three of whom are affected by diabetes

Ms. Nancy Murphy


One member each from at least three of the medical schools in the state:

Jennifer B. Marks, MD
Immediate Past DAC Chair
University of Miami Medical School

Janet H. Silverstein, MD
DAC Chair
University of Florida Medical School

Laura B. Smith, PhD, MS
University of South Florida Medical School

Not more than 18 members and not more than one each from among the following areas:

Nursing with diabetes-educator certification
Ms. Donna Ryan

Dietary with diabetes educator certification
Ms. Bonnie L. Masterson, RD

Podiatric medicine
Melvin B. Price, DPM

Ophthalmology or optometry

Lisa M. Buckloh, PhD

Marlon S. Honeywell, PharmD

Adult endocrinology

Pediatric endocrinology
Mark Kummer, MD

American Diabetes Association (ADA)
Larry A. Fox, MD

American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE)
Bridget Jennings

Juvenile Diabetes Foundation

Florida Academy of Family Physicians

Community health center

County health department
Leslene E. Gordon, PhD

ADA-recognized community education program
Mrs. Nina D. Clark, RN

Osteopathic medical school
Chet Evans, MS, DPM

Insurance industry
Donald S. Grossman, MD, FACP

Children's Medical Services Diabetes Regional Program
Dorothy I. Shulman, MD

Joseph Chebli, M.D.
DAC Chair-Elect 

One or more representatives from the Department of Health, who shall serve as ex officio members
Jennifer Wahby, MPH
Diabetes Prevention Program Manager
Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention

LaKera Reddick
Health System Administrator 
Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention

Tara Hylton
Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention